Title: I have no idea : /...
Series: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Hiruma x Sena
Rating: R-14 (there's hugging and a forehead kiss)
Circle/Artist: Kobato nene?
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3
Still had this Eyeshield 21 doujinshi lying around so decided to scan
it. It consists of a few cute stories involving Hiruma and Sena.
Download links:
Just a dumping place for yaoi doujinshi of various series I've scanned
Sunday, March 5, 2023
[Eyeshield 21] Nameless doujinshi R-14
Thursday, January 19, 2023
[Eyeshield 21] Hiruma x Sena stories R-16
Title: Don't know
Series: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Hiruma x Sena
Rating: R-16 (in some stories there is kissing and licking but no sex though)
Artist: Kobato Nene + Yokota Cihana
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3
Sharing and Translating is ok but keep Artist credits in file!
This another book that is a collection of doujinshi. It's a thick book
so I just scanned the stories I liked the most and seem the most
worthwhile. (the other stories had no kissing and stuff).
Download links:
Monday, January 16, 2023
[Eyeshield 21] Rock R-15
Title: Rock
Series: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Hiruma x Sena
Rating: R-15 (There's kissing but no sex)
Artist: I am not sure...
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3
This is seems to be one guest story in a book that is a collection
of doujinshi. I would scan the rest but let's just say the artist of the
other stories art style made Sena Not look like a high school student but more like a grade school kid and I feel not comfortable posting that.
Download links:
Friday, January 13, 2023
[Eyeshield 21] Silent lover R-14
Title: Silent lover
Series: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Hiruma x Sena (and a bit of Kid x Tetsuma from the Wild Gunmans)
Rating: R-14 (there's just hugging and Sena as an cute cat boy)
Circle/Artist: Nyattaka-i/Kobato Nene
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3
Sharing and Translating is ok but keep the Artist credits in the file!
Just a few cute stories featuring Hiruma x Sena (and one of Kid x Tetsuma)
Download Links
[Kuroshitsuji] My butler turned into a mini demon!? R-16
That one doujinshi I was talking about arrived so here is the scan. This will be the last scan of 2024 (obviously since we only have a few m...
I know I said I wouldnt buy more Gintama doujinshi but I found this one for only 1,80 dollars which is dirt cheap and it has Toshi in it who...
Yay, some new doujinshi scans! But...they arent really Yaoi/BL related, sorry! But the people who come to this blog for the Senyuu doujinsh...
That one doujinshi I was talking about arrived so here is the scan. This will be the last scan of 2024 (obviously since we only have a few m...