Showing posts with label Yaoi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yaoi. Show all posts

Monday, January 2, 2023

Tales of Symphonia doujinshies (R-18)

No new doujinshi have arrived yet but went through some old files on my computer and found some old Tales of Symphonia doujinshi scans and thought great I'll quickly post them here but I checked the scans and they didn't look to great. Back when I scanned them they were some of the first doujin I scanned and didnt know how to scan them properly yet. So I rescanned two of them (there are two more still). Anyways like I said no new doujinshi have arrived yet so here is something to keep you entertained. Also beside the Eyeshield 21 doujinshi I talked about before I also ordered some new Twisted Wonderland ones (Idia x Azul, Leech Twins x Azul, Malleus x Silver and Jade x Flyod ones). No new Fugou Keiji yet, the one I was eyeing got sold out before I could buy it (sadge TvT). 


Title: Keep Out

Series: Tales of Symphonia

Pairing: Zelos Wilder x Kratos Aurion

Rating: R-18

Circle/Artist: BE THERE

Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Download Links: 

Title:Gakuentengoku (<I think not sure it's been years since I bought it)

Series: Tales of Symphonia

Pairing: Kratos Aurion x Llyod Irving

Rating: R-18

Circle/Artist:  Kazusa Himi

Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Yes I know it's incest and I only like it in a fictional setting! Like how people like yandere but would run from a real life killer.

Download Links:  

Friday, December 16, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] My boyfriend is the coolest in the world R-18

Yes I know they're twins. I like twincest only in a fictional setting not a real life one. Like how some people like yandere but would run away from a real killer.


Title: My boyfriend is the coolest in the world
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Jade Leech x Flyod Leech
Rating: R-18
Circle/Artist: cave
-in/Falling Rock/Yusuke Hitoshi
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep the artist credits in the file!

It's about Floyd, who suddenly noticed Jade's coolness one day.

Not only his face, but also his body, which is just a little thicker than his own, his
hands and fingers that are huge and rugged, his manicured nails. . It 's a doujinshi where you can fully enjoy the way Jade keeps your heart pounding and the two flirting.

Download links:

Thursday, December 8, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] My princess is just as adorable today/My dearest princess just being adorable as usual R-18

Title: My princess is just as adorable today/My dearest princess just being adorable as usual
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x Silver
Rating: R-18
Circle/Artist: Mrs. Top grade afternoon tea/Ago
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep the Artist credits in the file!

Silver gets kinda forced to dress up as a girl by Lilia and then Malleus happens walks into the room. They take a walk on the school grounds and end up in bed together.

Download links:

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] Do you like listening? R-15

Yes I know they're twins. I like twincest only in a fictional setting not a real life one. Like how some people like yandere but would run away from a real killer.

Title: Do you like listening?
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Jade Leech x Flyod Leech
Rating: R-15 (there's kissing/licking and hugging)
Circle/Artist: Latest
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep Artist credits in file!

Flyod learns about earpicks and buys one. First Flyod cleans Jade's ears with it and then Jade does Flyod's and Jade starts playing around a bit.

Download links: hA

Saturday, November 26, 2022

[Fugou Kaiji Balance: Unlimited] I want to play bad games with you R18


Title: I want to play bad games with you
Series: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited
Pairing: Haru Kato x Daisuke Kambe/HaruDai
Rating: R-18
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep artist credits in file!

One morning at Haru's place Haru wakes up and finds himself naked in bed with Daisuke and it looks like they had sex, which Haru cant remember. When confirming with Daisuke later Daisuke says that if he cant remember that Haru should hold him again tonight.

Download links: 4A

Friday, November 18, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] The magic of love wont let you go R-18

 Yes I know they're twins. I like twincest only in a fictional setting not a real life one. Like how some people like yandere but would run away from a real killer.


Title: The magic of love wont let you go
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Jade Leech x Flyod Leech
Rating: R-18
Circle/Artist: Poa's Tail/Tsumugiko
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and Translating is ok but keep artist credits in file!

It's just Jade and Flyod being cute holding hands oh and there's some sexy time.

Download links:

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] My sweet honeys R-18

Yes I know they're twins. I like twincest only in a fictional setting not a real life one. Like how some people like yandere but would run away from a real killer.

Title: My sweet honeys
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Jade Leech x Flyod Leech
Rating: R-18
Circle/Artist: Poa's Tail/Tsumugiko
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Keep Artist credits in file! (which in this case is also the scan credits since the doujinshi didnt have a artist credits page).

This is a follow up doujinshi to the My sweet darling doujinshi I posted earlier but you can still read this one without needing to read the other one. In this one Flyod is the one as a plushie while Jade takes care of him.

Download links:

Saturday, October 29, 2022

[Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited] Wandering of love R-18


Title: Wandering of love
Series: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited
Pairing: Haru Katou x Kanbe Daisuke/HaruDai
Rating: R 18
Circle/Artist: C-Mania/Rika Honjo
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep Artist credits in file!

Ok so I don't know completely what is going on in the story. For some reason (which seems to be a sad complicated one) Daisuke allows another man to have sex with him. Haru sees this and this pains him and he confronts Daisuke with it.

Download links: QQ

Friday, September 30, 2022

[Fugou Keiji Balance Unlimited] Whoopee Day R-18

Title: Whoopee day
Series: Fugou Keiji Balance Unlimited
Pairing: Haru x Daisuke/HaruDai
Rating: R-18
Circle/Artist: C-Mania/Rika Honjo
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep artist credits in file!

Haru and Daisuke go on a date to (what I assume is an aquarium) and Daisuke is enarmored by the penguins and Haru is enarmored by Daisuke's cute looks if you know what I mean. If the last Fugou Keiji doujinshi was like a fine full course meal for HaruDai fans then this one is a nice dessert by the same artist who made Daisuke just adorable in this one.

Download Links:

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] Nightmare Fever R-18

Title: Nightmare fever
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Malleus x Silver
Rating: R-18
Circle/Artist: LUMIBANI/Moi
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep artist credits in the file!

Note!: Due to a lot of text being printed in a way that they ended up between the book seam some text is not visible on the scan. Normally it aint this bad and I can still fit text on the scan even if it is a little close to seam but with this one there wasnt much I could do. Even the physical version is a bit hard to read with the text being printed as it is.

Malleus summons Silver to his room around bed time and we all know how that is going to end.

Download links:

Monday, August 22, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] Dont drink aphrodisiacs even if you drink them R-18

Title: Dont drink aphrodisiacs even if you drink them
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Idia x Azul
Rating: R-18
Artist/Circle: moririnmonmo
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)

Sharing and translating is ok but keep artist credits in file!

Azul has made an aphrodisiac and tries to get Idia to drink it, it doesnt go entirely as planned...

Download links:

Sunday, August 21, 2022

[Twisted Wonderland] It is impossible only for mr. Idia R-18

Title: It is impossible only for mr. Idia
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Idia x Azul
Rating: R-18
Artist/circle: POET
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)

Sharing and translating is ok but keep artist credits in file!

After playing some games while staying at Idia's room smexy time happens (which also seems to be influenced by something the Leech Twins said).

Download Links:

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited; Hug Me R-18


Title: Hug Me
Series: Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited
Pairing: Haru x Daisuke/HaruDai
Rating: R-18
Artist/Circle: eimy Lica
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (<which is me)

Sharing and translating is ok as long as you keep the artist credits in the file!

Daisuke unexpectedly visits Haru's place on a rainy night and may already know how that ends since it's a R-18 doujinshi.

Download Links:


(I am back home now and I received most of the doujinshi I ordered in the mail so I will try and scan those in the coming days/weeks)

Monday, August 1, 2022

Re (a Fugou Keji doujinshi)

This doujinshi is over a 80 pages long!! Of all the doujinshi I scanned this one has the most pages.๐Ÿ˜ฑ  Scanning this took me multiple scanning sessions each taking up a few hours of time. So I hope someone will appreciate that.๐Ÿ˜“ Anyways there are still more doujinshi on the way.

Titel: Re

Series: Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited

Pairing: Haru x Daisuke/HaruDai


Rating: R-18 

Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)

Note: Order the pages in file by "modification time" because if you order by name some pages get jumbled for some reason.

This doujinshi consists of multiple chapters and 4-koma's, though I think most people will only care for the last chapter but I scanned the whole thing regardless, otherwise there would've been some smart-ass saying I didn't and halfassed my job.๐Ÿ’€ So you can download this in it's whole glory at the links below.

Download Links:

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Fugou Keji: Balance Unlimited and Vocaloid doujin scans

My last two doujinshi scans for awhile. Like I said in my first post I buy doujinshi and scan them on a whim so from here on out dont expect some sort of schedule for my posts. Something positive maybe though: At the moment I did order some new doujinshi so that's maybe something to look forward to.                                           


Title: Placebo Effect
Series: Fugou Keiji: Balance Unlimited
Pairing: Haru x Daisuke (HaruDai)
Artist/Circle: MewMew
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)
Rating: R-18
Sharing and translating is ok but keep credits in the file

Yes it's a HaruDai doujinshi and not DaiHaru because I believe Daisuke is far better as an pridefull tsundere uke that melts to mush in Haru's arms and not the other way around, and I will probably die alone on this hill since everyone likes DaiHaru better. So I dont expect this doujinshi getting alot of downloads but hey: maybe some people wanna join me on my hill? XD We can have a nice picnic there. XD

Download Links:

                                             I have no idea something with nya/nyan in the title that's the best translation I can come up with using my poor Japanese skills
Pairing: Professor Kaito x Kitty Kaito (I know these Kaito modules have names but I am to lazy to look it up)
Rating: R-18
Artis/circle: kikuchi
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)
Pages minus credits and stuff: 16

Sharing and translating is ok but keep the credits, especially the artists, in the file!

Professor Kaito wants to spice up their sex life and gives the other Kaito cat ears and a tail....or something like that?

Note: For some reason if you order the pages by name page 3 (p03) gets placed wrong, at least on my laptop. This can be fixed by ordering them by last modified. Well at least on my laptop that is.

Download links:

The last two Senyuu doujinshi scans

Finally posted the last of the Senyuu doujin scans, phew!

Title: shiritori kuesuto (the file is called:'shiritori waksuto')
Series: Senyuu
Pairing: Ross x Alba
Rated: R-16
Author: rose_swallowtail (pixiv 26277)
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)

sharing and translating is ok as long as you keep the credit pages in the file.

Download links:


Title: Suki Suki Matsu Matsu
Series: Senyu
Pairing: Ross x Alba
Rated: R-18
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)
Author/circle: 89shiki

sharing and translating is ok as long as you keep the credit pages in the file

Download links: 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Senyuu doujinshi I scanned that got translated to English!

First of all I want to thank the translators again for their hard work even though it has been a few years ago now. ๐Ÿ’– Second I like to state that I never payed them to do it or asked them so I am extra grateful they did it and I hope you the readers are to.๐Ÿ‘

Title: My Soldier is The World's Strongest and Coolest!!

Rating: um, every age I guess? There is no sex scene.
Doujin artist: Minoruใฟใฎใ‚‹
Doujin Circle: ใ‹ใฟใ‚ใ‚“ใŸใ‚‹
Scanner: Kogenta3/Chillerific89 (< which is me)
Number of pages (including credits and covers): 26

Translator: Hajimari on aarinfantasy

Download links:


Title: There is no such system 

Series: Senyuu
Pairing: Ross x Alba
Author: Rancy/Toin
Scanner: Chillerific89/Kogenta3 (<Which is me)
Rating: R-14 (they just kiss and cuddle)
Number of pages (minus credits cover): 19

Translator: Hajimari on aarinfantasy

Download links:


Title:Yuusha-san, no!
Series: Senyuu
Pairing: Ross x Alba
Circle: Mei
Scanner: Chillerific89/Kogenta3 (<which is me)
Rating: R-16 (There is a bit of crossdressing but no sexscene)
Number of pages minus cover and credits: 12

Translator: Hajimari on aarinfantasy

Download links:


Title: Yumeutsustsu
Series: Senyuu
Pairing: Ross x Alba
Author: Sarutorayu [miriko] rikko
Rating: R-18
Scanner: Chillerific89/Kogenta3 (<which is me)
Number of pages minus cover and credits: 22

Translator: black7bleach on aarinfantasy

Download links:


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Gintama GinHiji and HijiGin doujins: Catto!! and Usagi 100%

      Gintama doujinshi inbetween the Senyuu doujin spamming. : )                                          


Title: Catto!!
Series: Gintama
Pairing: Gintoki x Hijikata
Artisit/Circle: A9loop/You
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)
Rating: R-18

Sharing and translating is ok but
keep credits, especially artist credits in the file!

Gintoki has somehow gotten cat ears and a tail so Hijikata visits his place and they end up having sexy times.

Download Links:

Title: Usagi 100%
Series: Gintama
Pairing: Hijikata x Gintoki
Rating: R-18
Artist/Circle: plusswitch
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)

Sharing and translating is ok but keep credits, especially artist credits in file!

Hijikata visits Gintoki who happens to wear a bunny hoodie with bunny ears and tail and this turns Hijikata a days I am more the GinHiji type but I figured it couldnt hurt scanning this HijiGin doujinshi I had lying around.

Note: I know p06 is called p05b in the file it was the only way to make the pages saved in chronological order by ordering them by name for some reason.

Download links: 

Half way with the Senyuu doujinshi now! Anyways enjoy.



Title: Kazoku ni narou! (Let's be a family) [file is called sakurasake]
Series: Senyuu
Pairing: Ross x Alba
Circle: Shakeko - Sakurasake
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (<which is me)
Rating: R-16+ (there is kissing)

Download links: 


Series: Senyuu
Pairing: Ross x Alba
Author: Furaidu
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3
Rating: R 16+ (They kiss and there are hints they had sex)

Download links: 


Title: Yukata to kimi to (With yukata and you)
Series: Senyuu
Pairing: RossxAlba
Author: RIOAINA (kokina/rikko)
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (<which is me)
Rating: R-16+ (They kiss and there are hints they had sex)

Download links:


Title: R-18 Ross*Alba SQ (<I am open for better suggestions)
Series: Senyuu
Pairing: Ross x Alba 

Rating: R-18

Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Download links:



Friday, July 22, 2022

Twisted Wonderland doujinshi: Sleeping Deep and Familiar is a cat.

For some variety some Twisted Wonderland doujinshi in between the Senyuu doujinshi.If you like these I've actually ordered some more Twisted Wonderland doujinshi so there may be more in the future.


 Title: Sleeping Deep
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Malleus x Silver
Rating: R-18
Scanner: chillerific89/Kogenta3

Sharing and translating is ok but keep credits pages, especially artist credits, in the file!

Malleus visits Silver when he's asleep and sexy times happen. Not sure what else is happening since I cant read Japanese.

Download Links:


Titel: Familiar is a Cat
Series: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: Idia x Azul
Rating: SFW/Fluffy (there is no sex)
Pages: 19
Scanned by: chillerific89/Kogenta3 (which is me)
Artist/Doujinka: POET
Sharing and translating is ok but keep the credit pages especially the one of the artist.

The doujinshi is about Azul and Idia having familiars which are small versions of themselves with cat like feutures....yeah the title says it all really. XD

Download links:


Small update: A few new scans likely to be incoming

 Hey chillerific89/Kogenta3 with another small update here ๐Ÿ™‹, I have ordered a few doujinshi (emphasis on the few so dont expect a lot) so ...