Saturday, July 22, 2023

Update for the coming month or so

 Hey chillerific89/Kogenta3 here! 🙋

This month and August there will be a slow down of posts for awhile. There are still more doujinshi on the way but it will take a while to get to me and in August I am not at home for a few weeks so I cant scan doujinshi at all then.  

So dont worry if you wont see new doujinshi scan posts, the blog aint dead yet the doujinshi just didnt arrive yet and I am away from home. With a bit of luck though I might be able to post one scan before I'll be away from home for a few weeks. But that is only if the new doujinshi arrive earlier then expected.

Anyways have a nice day/night!

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[Gintama] Make me excited n real time R-18

I know I said I wouldnt buy more Gintama doujinshi but I found this one for only 1,80 dollars which is dirt cheap and it has Toshi in it who...